martes, 22 de febrero de 2011

HI! I will tell you something very short of what I do in my week long.

I rise from my bed at 5:00 in the morning. I shower. I brush my teeth. then I saw and can not miss my breakfast. at 6:00 Univercidad way to go accompanied by my brother. 7:00 am to walk into my classes with my friends until the time of salida.y joked with my friends (as). trasmporte I take for my house is a viaje.feliz time I get home! but always desperate for lunch but I put my food but I still wash my hands and I eat. after eating and if I see my novels I always lose sleep attacks and fall asleep. I get up around 5:30 as new and do homework. I check my mail. and at seven I have hunger and still within the tasks and at 10 I'm going to bed. everything depends on having to do much homework!
And so my day culminated! = D

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